How I Got Here
I'm a lifelong learner and continue to mine the inexhaustible depths of God's Word. My greatest joy is to serve my Lord Jesus Christ using the opportunities, passions, and gifts he provides. Writing, teaching, and public speaking are high on that list.
I believe "All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:16-17 CSB). My work reflects the conviction that the Bible's 66 inspired, infallible books are authoritative in all matters of faith and practice for all people for all time.
The Lord has allowed me to serve in various Christian ministry positions in churches and secular roles spanning nearly 50 years. Teaching and other church leadership positions have been staples for me since high school when my church asked me to teach the junior high boys' Sunday School class. A friend and I taught it and had a blast. God hooked me on teaching from that moment forward.
My formal education includes a college bachelor's degree in religion and psychology, a seminary master's degree in religious education, seminary Doctor of Education coursework, university Specialist in Education coursework, and university Ph.D. work (all but dissertation).
Now retired from employee roles, I love to write, teach, spend time with my family and dog, and serve Christ through my wonderful hometown church in Winchester, Kentucky.
I'm excited about the book Next Step Devotions and look forward to seeing where the Lord leads me next as a disciple eager to make disciples. While I've written hundreds of articles through the years, Next Step Devotions is my first book. Writing it was a 23-month labor of love. May God use this book, you, and me for his glory.
If you have questions, contact me. Check out this blog post if you want me to speak or meet with your church, organization, or small group.