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Having Nothing, Yet Everything

(The following is the August 7 devotional from my Next Step Devotions book. Before reading it, I suggest you read 2 Corinthians 6 and pay close attention to verses 3-13.)

Paul described his ministry in part as “poor, yet enriching many; as having nothing, yet possessing everything” (v. 10). This is possible for any Christian. What makes us potentially valuable to others spiritually is not material wealth or anything external but our relationship with Christ, love for his Word, and lives as his witnesses.

Material wealth can be a blessing when used in Christ-honoring ways to advance his kingdom. Thank God for wealthy men and women who use their abundance for God’s glory. But not all have such wealth. Many believers are materially poor, a reality that God often uses to help people treasure the eternal riches found in Christ.

Whether we have many or few possessions, believers have what our lost world needs. Just as we eagerly share a cup of cold water with anyone thirsty, we can share Christ, the living water that forever satisfies one’s spiritual thirst. It is kind and good when believers volunteer to build homes to meet the temporal needs of others, but it is eternally significant when Christians labor to invite others to an eternal home in God’s kingdom.

If God has entrusted much worldly wealth to you, he expects much from you (Luke 12:48). If you are on the other end of the wealth spectrum and don’t always know where your next meal is coming from, you can still play a vital role in God’s kingdom. You have a priceless testimony to share with others if you know Christ. All Christians can be “poor, yet enriching many; as having nothing, yet possessing everything.”

We have the most treasured possession anyone can have – Jesus Christ. Enrich others through him.

Next Step:

When has your social status inhibited you from being a witness for Christ? How does Paul’s ministry description encourage you to overcome such barriers and serve Christ more faithfully?

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