(The following is the June 4 devotional from my Next Step Devotions book. Before reading it, I suggest you read Acts 21 and pay close attention to verses 10-14.)

How often do you take risks? Some people enjoy adventurous living and engage in activities too extreme for others. Life provides plenty of options on the risk scale, from adventurous parachuting out of airplanes to safe strolls along the beach. It seems wise to be aware of any risk involved with our behavior.
What risks do we take related to faith in Christ, and how often? Do we take any at all? Paul was not averse to taking risks for Christ. The prophet Agabus warned Paul about his coming imprisonment, and Paul’s friends pleaded with him not to go to Jerusalem (v. 12). They didn’t want to see Paul’s freedom taken away or any harm done to him. But Paul was undeterred by the risk. “Then Paul replied, ‘What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.’ Since he would not be persuaded, we said no more except, ‘The Lord’s will be done’” (vv. 13-14). Paul understood his mission. He knew the risks of obedience to Christ. Yet, he continued.
What can we learn from Paul’s example? Should we always throw caution to the wind and ignore the possibly deadly consequences of our actions? No. After all, there were times when the apostles and Jesus himself slipped away from hostile crowds to safety. Prudence is a virtue; carelessness is not. Exercising faith is admirable but tying yourself to a railroad track and daring the train to come by is foolish.
God expects us to use the wisdom he imparts through the truth of his Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Looking to him and following in obedience wherever he leads is the best and safest path to follow, regardless of the amount of earthly risk involved. Failing to obey Christ and his Word is a risk no one should take.
Next Step:
When did you last risk anything substantial for Christ? What is Christ calling you to do in service for him that involves risk?